Welcome to ShalomViv Piano Cottage!
I am a piano teacher, residing in Singapore and i teach music mainly at my piano cottage :)
I graduated with a Bachelor of Music Degree from Tokyo Conservatoire Shobi majoring in performance and composition.
I also
hold a Trinity College of London piano performance diploma.
and a Yamaha electone grade 5.
My teachers include Endo sensei ( Performance), Maruyama sensei (classical training) and Shiokawa sensei (Composition).
I also had electone
training with the famous Saezaki Kenichi sensei .
I major in classical music but i also teach pop and jazz as well.
My students range from beginners to diploma levels.
I have taught in Yamaha Music School , Yamaha
Academy , Schumann Music School (JB), Barock Music School, Methodist School of Music and The Music Academy.
I am MOE
approved and also an AMIS instructor.
Currently I'm also working with Town4kids to teach music in primary/sec schools.
Besides music, I also taught Japanese Language in preparation for the JLPT level 3-4 in Foon Yew High School.
I also worked part time as a translator Jap/English in Japan.
In the past, I served in church as a pianist and a
choir music director. I also worked as a lounge pianist at Holiday Inn hotel.
While in uni, i held a solo concert at YWCA Tokyo and did an ensemble at Ginza Hall.
I wrote 2 books, "Blue without you" , a piano arrangement of popular
songs and an Electone chinese pop (yamaha publication).
I also won 2nd prize in the prestigious Shobi composition competition in Tokyo.
I train students and have produced winners for piano competitions.
Eg: One of my students Royce Lee
was the 2nd prize ( no 1st prize awarded) winner (senior section) of the Singapore National Piano Competition 2007. I have other students who participated and won in The Dynamicworkx piano competition and also the Sweet Classics Piano competition .
My passion is to teach classical piano in its authenticity, to impart the right knowledge and to teach a wide variety of repertoire so that the students will be able to experience different styles and to appreciate classical music.
When I was
a kid, I was exposed to a very performance oriented
environment and have competed in numerous piano/electone competitions and won everytime, and also participated in numerous concerts and demonstrations, even at the malls.
This is what I found to
be one of the strong motivating factors in my music learning.
That's why I focus alot in performance for my students and hold
regular workshops/ recitals for my students to get together and to motivate them to love sharing their music with one another.
Music is for sharing and not to be hidden behind closed doors!
I have many videos of what my
students and I are doing,, so please feel free to check them out!!